Deno 源码解读之 deno_core(二)

从 hello word 的例子中可以看到,deno_core 为我们封装了 JsRuntime ,理解 JsRuntime 背后原理,就基本上掌握了 deno_core。


/// A single execution context of JavaScript. Corresponds roughly to the "Web
/// Worker" concept in the DOM. A JsRuntime is a Future that can be used with
/// an event loop (Tokio, async_std).
pub struct JsRuntime {
  // This is an Option<OwnedIsolate> instead of just OwnedIsolate to workaround
  // an safety issue with SnapshotCreator. See JsRuntime::drop.
  v8_isolate: Option<v8::OwnedIsolate>,
  snapshot_creator: Option<v8::SnapshotCreator>,
  has_snapshotted: bool,
  allocations: IsolateAllocations,

/// Objects that need to live as long as the isolate
struct IsolateAllocations {
    Option<(Box<RefCell<dyn Any>>, v8::NearHeapLimitCallback)>,

JsRuntime 主要包含两个字段,v8::OwnedIsolate 和 IsolateAllocations。v8::OwnedIsolate 来自rusty_v8,相当于 V8 isolate 实例,IsolateAllocations 保存生命周期不短于 isolate 的各种对象。

impl JsRuntime {

  pub fn new(mut options: RuntimeOptions) -> Self {

JsRuntime 的 new 函数定义了对象的创建过程,大体流程如下

  1. 初始化 v8::Platform,一个进程即使创建多个JsRuntime对象,也只会初始化一次v8::Platform
  2. 读取快照(snapshot)或新创建快照,创建 isolate 对象
  3. 初始化 isolate context
  4. 设置 isoalte 关联的状态(状态封装在 JsRuntimeState 对象中)
  5. 创建 JsRuntime 对象
  6. 按需执行目录下的 core.js/error.js/init.js 这3个JavaScript文件

其中第三步初始化 isolate context 使用快照或调用 在 isolate 中创建了所需的 JavaScript 对象和函数。


初始化 context,定义全局对象 Deno = { core: {} },再为 Deno.core 绑定各种属性 print/recv/send 等等。

pub fn initialize_context<'s>(
  scope: &mut v8::HandleScope<'s, ()>,
) -> v8::Local<'s, v8::Context> {
  let scope = &mut v8::EscapableHandleScope::new(scope);
  let context = v8::Context::new(scope);
  let global =;
  let scope = &mut v8::ContextScope::new(scope, context);

  // global.Deno = { core: {} };
  let deno_key = v8::String::new(scope, "Deno").unwrap();
  let deno_val = v8::Object::new(scope);
  global.set(scope, deno_key.into(), deno_val.into());
  let core_key = v8::String::new(scope, "core").unwrap();
  let core_val = v8::Object::new(scope);
  deno_val.set(scope, core_key.into(), core_val.into());

  // Bind functions to Deno.core.*
  set_func(scope, core_val, "print", print);
  set_func(scope, core_val, "recv", recv);
  set_func(scope, core_val, "send", send);


当V8执行 JavaScript 时,如果遇到不认识的函数,会尝试查找外部引用。所以在 Rust 端定义的 print/recv/send等函数需要作为外部引用注册给 isolate

lazy_static::lazy_static! {
  pub static ref EXTERNAL_REFERENCES: v8::ExternalReferences =
      v8::ExternalReference {
        function: print.map_fn_to()
      v8::ExternalReference {
        function: recv.map_fn_to()
      v8::ExternalReference {
        function: send.map_fn_to()

这样当 V8 执行 Deno.core.print 时,就会转移到 Rust 端执行 print 函数

fn print(
  scope: &mut v8::HandleScope,
  args: v8::FunctionCallbackArguments,
  _rv: v8::ReturnValue,
) {
  let arg_len = args.length();
  if !(0..=2).contains(&arg_len) {
    return throw_type_error(scope, "Expected a maximum of 2 arguments.");

  let obj = args.get(0);
  let is_err_arg = args.get(1);

  let mut is_err = false;
  if arg_len == 2 {
    let int_val = match is_err_arg.integer_value(scope) {
      Some(v) => v,
      None => return throw_type_error(scope, "Invalid arugment. Argument 2 should indicate wheter or not to print to stderr."),
    is_err = int_val != 0;
  let tc_scope = &mut v8::TryCatch::new(scope);
  let str_ = match obj.to_string(tc_scope) {
    Some(s) => s,
    None => v8::String::new(tc_scope, "").unwrap(),
  if is_err {
    eprint!("{}", str_.to_rust_string_lossy(tc_scope));
  } else {
    print!("{}", str_.to_rust_string_lossy(tc_scope));


  1. v8::HandleScope: isolate context
  2. v8::FunctionCallbackArguments:JavaScript 调用端传回的参数
  3. v8::ReturnValue:Rust 端执行后返回的值

通过这种方式,Rust 端和 JavaScript 端完成了交互。

Deno只定义了10来个外部引用函数,上层的 operation 其实是通过 send 函数转移到 Rust 端来完成的。

下一篇我们再来讲讲什么是 operation ,以及背后的实现细节。

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